Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Suicidal Thoughts

if i were to die
were anyone to cry?
sittin in my room with my glock 45
wonderin if this the end
lookin thru my phonebook for a REAL friend
too many haters
aint no skaters
a couple of whores
and then a couple more
still lookin thru for a real hindu
all I see is money hungry bitches
and even a few snitches
if I were to die would anyone cry?
i seriously doubt it
and that doesnt bring tears to my eye
it makes me wanna get sky high
smoke a blunt and get fucked up high
cant see shit ray charles high
but not quite that high
like BIG Im ready to die
but not dumb enuf to take my own life
jus trippy thoughts in my head that like to fly
when im layin on my bed stupid high
not much goin on parents still bitchin
bout some shit cookin in the kitchen
should I stay or should I go
no rush for a decision let me go fuck a ho
straight up give it to her bro
i aint dyin yet so dont go diggin a ditch
disrespect me and get slapped the fuck up bitch
jus random bullshit off the top of my head
why am i still writin aint I supposed to be dead?


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